Experience Warmth & Comfort with Keepsake Teddy Bears

Your Loved One’s tangible touch can be an incredibly comforting presence. Combined with a soothing Teddy Bear, the warmth of a Loved One’s spirit can be even more calming. Our Keepsake Teddy Bears – Theo and Tate – offer that precious connection to kids, grandparents, and everyone else wanting to hold a Loved One near.
Wearing a Stainless Steel Charm that is engraved with a Loved One’s unique fingerprint, each of our Keepsake Teddy Bears help families experience unparalleled comfort and closeness. We are honored to hear your own stories of connection that Theo and Tate have helped to create.
“It was wonderful to give our great grandkids the Bear to remember their great grandfather and how much he loves them.”
- Yvonne B.
“Though we cannot hug my aunt, we can still hug this Bear and see her thumbprint. I can’t wait to surprise my mom with this gift!”
- Tiffany S.
“I gifted this to my grandmother with my grandpa’s fingerprint. She loved it!”
-Elizabeth L.
“Love the print and the memory of my mother-in-law! Thank you.”
- Diana S.
It is our true hope that Theo or Tate can become a comforting presence that helps you or someone you love navigate a difficult time. Whether the loss of a Loved One, the deployment of a military family member, or any other reason to want to share in closeness together, may you and those you love feel the warmth and peace of tangible connection now and always.