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Sharing the Stories Behind Personalized Jewelry and Keepsakes

someone handing a family member a birthday cake

10 Creative Ideas for Remembering Your Late Loved One on Their Birthday

Birthdays have always been a time for celebration, but after your Loved One dies, their birthday simply won’t feel the same anymore.   Also known a...
rose gold, sterling silver, and yellow gold fingerprint rings

“I will cherish for the rest of my life…”: True Stories of How Fingerprint Rings Memorialize a Loved One

Have you ever missed a late Loved One and wanted to hold their hand again? To feel that tangible connection and sense of peace knowing that they ar...
sterling silver oval locket with photo and engraved fingerprint on inside along with a sterling silver heart locket with a monogram engraved on the outside

Every Line Tells a Story: Why Fingerprints Can be Used to Make Meaningful Memorials

Your Loved One was unique, so the memorial you create to honor and remember them should be just as special.   Instead of opting for a generic bench...
red christmas candle

Why Grief is Harder During the Holidays + How You Can Feel Better This Year

The holiday season is meant to be a time of joy and celebration, but if you’re missing a family member or friend who has died, it can be tough to n...
angel ornament on a christmas tree

What to Know When Facing the First Holiday Season Without Your Loved One

The holidays are known for familiar traditions with the people you love, but if you’re grieving, you may not know what to expect when it comes time...
family holding hands at a thanksgiving table

Thankful for You: How to Stay Connected to Your Late Loved One During Thanksgiving

The holidays are seen as a time of year that everyone looks forward to, but that isn’t always the case. For many people, especially those who are g...
military dog tags engraved with a fingerprint, name, and inscription laying on an american flag

Military Inspired Gifts that Honor Veterans on Veterans Day

Every year on November 11th, we stop to honor the sacrifices that veterans have made for us. Together, we thank them for all they have done and sho...
woman wearing a sterling silver lariat necklace engraved with a fingerprint

10 Times Remembrance Jewelry Has Comforted Grieving Families

When we lose someone we love, it’s important that we find things that bring us comfort while we grieve. This often means creating ways to stay conn...
family holding their hands in a heart shape

Nontraditional Ways to Memorialize a Loved One

Memorializing a Loved One who has died has traditionally been done by holding funeral services and laying flowers at their graveside. However, ther...
yellow gold fingerprint necklaces

What Do I Do with Fingerprint Keepsakes?

There’s nothing more special than feeling close to the people we love. Even if we can’t physically hold them near, there are still ways to experien...
someone consoling a friend who is grieving

15 Ways to Tell Someone “You Have My Condolences”

“You have my condolences.”   We’ve all heard it said or maybe even said it to someone ourselves. Sharing condolences with someone who has lost a Lo...
zippo lighter engraved with a fingerprint, name, birthdate, and date of death

Their Light Lives On: How Memorial Zippo® Lighters Honor a Late Loved One

Even after your Loved One dies, their light never leaves you.   From the stories they told to the experiences the two of you had together, each tim...