Legacy Touch offices will be closed March 7th in observance of Employee Appreciation Day.

Have a PIN?

Upload Fingerprints
& Create a PIN

Upload Fingerprints
& Create a PIN

Upload Fingerprints
& Create a PIN

Upload Fingerprints
& Create a PIN

What is a PIN & How is it Generated?

When prints are captured and uploaded to our secure database, you will be provided with a unique, alpha-numeric Personal Identification Number (PIN) assigned to those prints. This unique PIN ensures that the prints used are the correct ones. Just so you can be absolutely sure, we ask you to validate your PIN each time you order and allow you to confirm the initials of the person who the prints belong to. You may then use the PIN to order customized Jewelry and Keepsakes here on LegacyTouch.com.

Funeral Home Assistance

Our Funeral Home Partners make it possible for families to honor a lost Loved One by capturing and uploading prints on your behalf. If you are wanting to memorialize someone who has passed, your Funeral Home may have captured print images for you. Contact them to see if prints are available, if they have not already provided you with a PIN. If you are a Funeral Home Partner or want to become one, click here.


Do you have fingerprint images?


If yes, proceed to the next step.

If no, you can order a free Fingerprint Ink Kit.


up close view of hand holding cell phone taking picture of fingerprints

If you need help taking prints or uploading a picture of them, visit our Capturing Prints page.


Upload Prints


As soon as you fill out your information and submit prints, we'll automatically generate your PIN and give it to you. You can then use it to start personalizing your favorite Jewelry and Keepsakes right away, or share it with other family members and friends who may like to customize their own.