How to Support Your Military Family and Friends

Our family and friends who serve in the military are true heroes. Each day, they make sacrifices so that we can be safe. These brave individuals give so much to us, so in return, we need to give them our support.
While we can never thank them enough, there are some ways that we can show our appreciation to active-duty military personnel.
Spend quality time together as often as possible.
If your Loved One is deployed, you may not get to spend as much time together as you would like. Make the most of the time you do have, even if it just means saying hello. If they are able, schedule frequent phone calls or video calls together. Emails and letters can also be great substitutes for staying in touch.
Give heartfelt gifts that remind them of those they love.
One way to help your military family member or friend feel supported is by giving them gifts that remind them of home. Gifts like Keepsakes engraved with a fingerprint or a framed photo of you two together can help them stay connected even while far away. You can give these gifts to your Loved One before they leave for deployment or send them as a nice surprise later if an address is available.
Listen to their stories.
Military personnel go through a lot of emotional experiences in a short amount of time. When they are ready and able to share, listen to their stories. By simply being there for your family member or friend, you will help them to feel heard and appreciated.
Ask how you can help them.
Support looks different for different people. Ask your friend or family member how you can best help them. Maybe that’s sending cards and letters of encouragement or maybe that’s cooking them their favorite homemade meal the next time they are in town. By taking what they ask for into consideration, you’ll be able to offer more meaningful support.
If you are a veteran or actively serving in the military, please accept our sincerest thanks. We hope that you feel supported and appreciated every day.