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5 Ideas for Remembering Dad on Father’s Day


When we lose our dad, it can feel as though we’re losing more than a parent. We’re losing a best friend. A coach. A hero.


We miss them every day, but that grief can be especially hard on holidays like Father’s Day. Thankfully, there are ways that we can continue to feel close to them while honoring their legacy.


Preparing for the First Father’s Day without Your Dad

The first Father’s Day after your dad dies can come with a lot of emotions. The happiness of memories you shared. The sadness of him no longer being around. The comfort of knowing he still lives on through you.


It can be a lot to handle.


As you begin to prepare for this season, try to focus on the good times you shared with your father figure and the years of experiences you have to be thankful for. Understand that grief can be unpredictable, so you need to give yourself grace and patience during this time. And don’t be afraid to reach out to a trusted friend or grief counselor—a kind listener can help brighten even the darkest of days.


Also remember that these feelings won’t last forever. The season will change and so will the way you grieve.


What’s important is that you allow yourself to face the holiday in whatever way is right for you. There’s nothing wrong with skipping Father’s Day this year and choosing to do something that takes your mind off of the occasion.


However, if you do feel like celebrating your dad and paying tribute to him this June, we hope you can find inspiration with our list of ideas.


Ways to Honor Your Late Dad on Father’s Day  

  • Read old letters from him. Looking through old letters or emails written by your dad can help you to feel close to him again. As you read his thoughts, try to reflect on the good times you shared and how much those experiences meant to each of you.
  • Volunteer for his favorite charity. Donating an afternoon’s worth of time to your dad’s favorite charity can help you to pay it forward to others he cared about. Walk dogs at the local shelter. Serve meals to people who need them. As you do these good deeds, you’ll know your dad’s spirit is living on through you.
  • Create a custom memorial. Holding a tangible reminder of your dad will allow you to connect with him once again. Consider personalizing a Fingerprint Keepsake that you can wear in memory of him. Each time you touch the lines and grooves of his print on the piece, you’ll know he is with you.
  • Go for a round of golf. Participating in activities your dad loved is a beautiful way to stay close to him. If he enjoyed golfing, go for a round at his favorite course or take a trip to a club he always dreamed of visiting.
  • Light a candle. Many people find quiet moments of mediation to be healing. This Father’s Day, consider lighting a candle in his honor at a place of worship or even your home. As you do, you can talk out loud to your dad, share stories about him with others who join you, or simply take a few minutes to yourself to think about him.


We are truly sorry for your loss and hope that you are on your way to peace.


More resources like this:

5 Ideas for Remembering Mom on Mother’s Day

Coping with the Loss of a Father or Mother

Preparing for Your First Holiday Season without a Loved One

How to Remember Your Grandpa or Grandma on Grandparents Day