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Memorial Day Traditions that Honor Your Late Loved One


Memorial Day signifies so much more than the start of summer.


Each year on the last Monday in May, we remember the sacrifices our late Loved Ones who served in the armed forces made as we commend their bravery and courage.


7 Ideas for Honoring a Late Loved One on Memorial Day

This year, make your Memorial Day celebration mean more by starting a new tradition that honors the life and legacy of a veteran you knew. Get inspired with our list of seven ideas:


1. Attend a Local Remembrance Ceremony

Many communities hold Memorial Day ceremonies to honor those who have served and sacrificed for our country. Attending one of these ceremonies can be a way to show your respect for those who have passed away and connect with others who share your grief. It can also be a chance to learn more about the history and significance of Memorial Day.


2. Visit Their Grave

Visiting the grave of a Loved One who has passed away is a common way to honor their memory. On Memorial Day, many people choose to visit the graves of veterans or fallen soldiers they knew. This can be a way to pay your respects to those who have served our country and to remember the sacrifices they made. If you live far away from the resting places of the veterans you knew, consider visiting a local veteran’s cemetery and spending a few moments in silence honoring all who have fought.


3. Participate in the National Moment of Remembrance

The National Moment of Remembrance is a moment of silence observed at 3:00pm local time on Memorial Day. It is a way to honor those who have died in service to their country and to reflect on the meaning of Memorial Day. Participating in this moment of remembrance can be a simple but powerful way to honor a Loved One who has passed away.


4. Wear a Poppy

The poppy has long been a symbol of remembrance for fallen soldiers. It is believed to have originated from the poem "In Flanders Fields" by Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, which was written during World War I. Wearing a poppy on Memorial Day can be a way to honor the sacrifices of those who have served and to show your respect for their memory.


5. Create a Personalized Dog Tag Memorial

A personalized Dog Tag memorial can be a unique and meaningful way to honor the memory of a Loved One who has passed away. Dog Tags were originally used by the military to identify soldiers and to keep track of casualties. Today, they are often used as a symbol of remembrance for fallen soldiers. Creating a personalized Dog Tag memorial that is engraved with your Loved One’s fingerprint can be a unique and meaningful way to keep their memory close and to honor their service and sacrifice.


6. Get Together with Family and Friends

Memorial Day is the perfect time to gather with family and friends to remember and celebrate the life of a mutual Loved One who is no longer with you. Sharing stories and memories can be a way to keep their memory alive and to find comfort in the love and support of those around you.


7. Volunteer for a Veteran Organization

Volunteering for a veteran organization is a wonderful way to honor the sacrifices of those who have served while giving back to your community. There are many organizations that provide support and services to veterans and their families. Volunteering can be a heartfelt way to honor the memory of a late veteran you love and to make a positive impact in their name.


Remember Their Sacrifice, Always

Memorial Day isn’t the only time we should be honoring veterans and all they have done for all of us. Make a plan throughout the year to remember and reflect on the veterans you knew. Then, try to pay their generosity forward to active duty military personnel who are in your life now.


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