6 Things to Do When You Miss Someone Who Has Died

When someone we love dies, feeling close to them is no longer as easy as picking up the phone. However, with a little creativity, immense comfort and connection can still be found through the different types of activities we perform in their honor.
Comforting Activities for People Who are Grieving
Share your feelings.
As you’re dealing with the emotions that come from losing someone, it can be helpful to share your feelings. Consider reaching out to a friend, family member, support group, or therapist. Talking through your thoughts with someone you trust can help you to begin healing in a heathy way while reminding you that you are not alone in your grief journey.
Do something the two of you used to do together.
If you and your late Loved One had a favorite activity you liked to do together, try to continue it in their honor. For example, you can keep going on your weekly walks through their favorite park to feel close to their spirit and the memories the two of you created there. You can either choose to do this alone or invite a new friend to go with you.
Try a new activity.
Another way to find comfort after loss is to try a new activity. From gardening to painting to even traveling, a new activity can help give you something to think about outside of your grief. Try out a few different activities to find one that brings you the most joy.
Create a tangible reminder of them.
Even though you can no longer physically hold your Loved One, there are still ways that you can feel them with you. Fingerprint Jewelry and Keepsake memorials are a beautiful way to tangibly feel your deceased Loved One’s presence. As you run your fingers along the lines and grooves of their fingerprint, you will be reminded that their spirit is always with you.
Introduce yourself to new people.
No one can replace the person you lost. However, you can meet new people to spend time with. Try introducing yourself to others in your community—whether at a new activity you’ve found, church, work, the gym, etc.—and get to know them. While these new friendships won’t be the same as the one you’re grieving, they will serve as a way for you to move forward and feel better.
Dedicate time to their memory.
Setting aside time each day or week to reflect on your deceased Loved One can be helpful as you process your grief. Try to focus on the good times you shared and express your gratitude for having them in your life. By emphasizing these happy thoughts, you’ll start to find comfort in your Loved One’s memory. There will always be sadness surrounding your grief, but over time, the positive should begin to outweigh the negative emotions you feel.
If you have recently lost someone you love, please accept our deepest sympathy. We know how difficult this time can be, and hope that you are on your way to healing.